Experience the epic origins of legendary Transformers robots with this Transformers One Power Flip Optimus Prime action figure, inspired by the iconic character in the Transformers One movie! This Optimus Prime toy converts between 4 different modes: Orion Pax, Cybertronian Truck toy, Optimus Prime figure, and Ultimate Optimus Prime. Help power up the Optimus Prime robot toy into Ultimate Optimus Prime! Initiate the Power Flip feature by flipping the figure and gear up with battle armor that attaches automatically. Attach the included movie-inspired accessories to get ready for battle! Activate special effects like lights, sounds, and phrases at the push of a button or by converting between modes. Movie-inspired interactive toys like this Power Flip Optimus Prime toy make cool gifts for boys and girls ages 6 and up (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes 3x A76/LR44 button cell batteries. Speaks in English only.TRANSFORMERS and HASBRO and all related trademarks and logos are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. Copyright 2024 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.? POWER FLIP OPTIMUS PRIME ACTION FIGURE: Movie-inspired Optimus Prime toy grows in height from 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) and changes between 4 different converting modes: Orion Pax, Cybertronian Truck toy, Optimus Prime, and Ultimate Optimus Prime? ELECTRONIC TOY WITH LIGHTS, SOUNDS, & PHRASES: Activate lights, sounds and phrases at the push of a button or by converting between modes. Each mode has special effects. Includes 3x A76/LR44 button cell batteries. Speaks in English only? INITIATE POWER FLIP CONVERSION: Hold the Transformers toy
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